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Crater%20Lake Indian Classifieds for Furniture items

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No listings found for Crater%20Lake Furniture items

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Disclaimer: There is a lot of scam on internet. Please beware of doing any transactions with a person by personal check or cash or money transfer for buying or selling furniture, renting or buying/selling apartments/house, or any items unless you have verified all the credentials of the user you are transacting with. 

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Are you a home based/small business? Add your classified to advertise and showcase your products/services for a very small fee. Any questions, reach us at support@portlandindian.com

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  • Instant Activation - No more wait of 72 hours for us to approve your ad.
  • Listing on homepage randomly shared with other classifieds in desktop
  • Listing in top section on classifieds page as premium classified
  • Posting on our Facebook Page.
  • Your text ad link is also posted in transactional emails
  • Your phone number is displayed without user to login to view your number
  • Premium coverage under Premium classified.

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