Niamey, Aug 10 (IANS) At least 94 people were killed and 93 others injured due to heavy rainfall in Niger, authorities said.
At a press briefing on Thursday, Minister of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management Aissa Lawan Wandarma said 44 people were killed due to flooding and 50 due to house collapses since the rainy season began, Xinhua news agency reported.
According to the minister, all eight regions of the country have been hit by the floods, including 692 villages, 129 communes and 46 departments.
Heavy rain destroyed 502 huts, flooded 2,763 hectares of agricultural land, ruined 17,495 tonnes of food, and damaged 37 classrooms.
To date, food distribution actions are underway, with large stocks of food and non-food kits on the way, Wandarma said.
In addition, the government has taken necessary measures to ensure that all people affected by the floods receive the assistance they need.
Since August is the month of heavy rainfall, Wandarma called on people to leave homes in risk areas, preserve water drainage arrangements and rehabilitate houses in poor condition.
She also urged the affected people to leave the ruins of their homes to avoid diseases.
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