Moscow, Aug 10 (IANS) Russia has notified the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that suspected fragments of downed missiles were discovered near the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (Kursk NPP) following a Ukrainian attack in the Kursk region.
"On August 8, fragments and debris, presumed to be parts of downed missiles, were found at the site, including in the vicinity of the radioactive waste processing facility. Although there have been no confirmed reports of direct shelling on the city of Kurchatov, the nuclear power plant, or related energy infrastructure, the situation remains tense," said Russia's permanent mission to international organisations in Vienna, TASS reported.
The Kursk NPP is located in the city of Kurchatov, Kursk region, 40 km west of the city of Kursk on the banks of the Seim River, Xinhua news agency reported quoting TASS.
The mission said, "Ukraine's reckless actions not only threaten Russia's nuclear facility but also put the entire global nuclear industry at risk."
Ukraine launched a massive attack on the defence positions in Russia's Kursk region on Tuesday.
On Friday, Russia declared a state of emergency in the Kursk region due to the tense situation there.
Meanwhile, Russia's Defence Ministry said a military operation to defeat the Ukrainian forces in Kursk was underway.
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