Mumbai, Sep 18 (IANS) Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal says the Indian film industry is a representation of how beautiful India’s plurality is.
He said: “Our film industry is a true representation of India’s beautiful diversity. Here you will see people from various backgrounds make a living in our industry through sheer talent and work ethic.”
The actor, who is lovingly called the national crush, is very proud of this diversity.
He said: “I’m very proud of this very diversity where when we are on set, we are all one unit working towards the end goal that is making a film/project we are all very happy and proud of. Our film industry is a microcosm of what India is and I’m just fortunate to be a part of it.”
Vicky’s next is ‘The Great Indian Family’. The film is a celebration of India’s unity in diversity and how the people of this country are bound by the bond of brotherhood and inclusivity.
Produced by Yash Raj Films, The Great Indian Family, directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, is set to release on September 22.
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