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Topic: INDIA Shining. Should we Go Back ??

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Topic : INDIA Shining. Should we Go Back ??

Will C.
Member of SFIndian.com
City: Chicago
Hello folks, as you all read about how the Indian economy is growing and that all the companies want to do business there, where do you see India heading in the next 10-15 years ?.Do you think this is a good time to go back to India and be a part of the Growth ?

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Total Replies: 4

Responses (Total Replies: 4)

Sathya T.
Member of VirginiaIndian.net
City: Washington
I would definitely go back to India, after finishing my studies.

kewl n.
City: corvallis
This is subjective. As you progress in life , according to me what matters is owning a house, kids education and a reasonably comfortable retirement life. As far as kids education go, I am of the opinion that public schools are no good. Private schools is damm expensive. So the cost comes in. Now, paying a mortage and sending kids to private schools takes a toll on ones life, even if its a 2 member income. If the wife is working, then raising up kids is another issue one needs to deal with. I dont believe in parents or in-laws taking care of kids. Its your child not theirs. Retirement is good if they dont muck up social security.Infrastructure is last on my mind when I think of kids education and owning house is concerned. Whats the point of infrastructure when you cant own a house or have decent education for your own kids ?As far as the economy is concerned, if you are good, you will always get a job and do well, no matter where .

Ray K.
Member of SeattleIndian.com
City: Bothell
No, you should not go back. India will sustain itself. You have come to this country, for what purpose?Was it to be greedy and to help yourself, or was it to be a part of this nation, to call it your home, to raise your family and make it a better place for all? Look at one aspect of what your nation has contributed to this world: music. How many sitar makers are here in the USA? Virtually none. Indian Classical Music is dying in your country, the guru/sishya relationship is near dead, almost forgotten. What you hear today in your ears, besides Bollywood, is almost gone. Bring it here, and it can continue to thrive and grow, celebrating your centurys old culture. Please stay here.

Hallie C.
Member of TampaBayIndian.com
City: Tampa
I would say that India made itself dependent to the global economy and this is very tough to think that India can itself live by it own. Now, the only thing which is holding India back is the dependency on other countries, The craze of stepping ahead with the world (means first world) made us weak on the thought-grounds.

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